Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Domestic Violence, Abuse: Do you feel alone and trapped?

I remember the day a good friend/neighbor sat me down and said:  "Admit it, Penne.""Admit what?"  I said.

He paused, leaned forward, held my hands and said:  "Be honest with yourself.  YOU ARE AN ABUSED WOMAN."

This, of course, was the truth.  I was humiliated, embarrassed that the man I loved so much could be charming on one day and abusive the next. Then the panic: how would I support our two children?  Where would I go?  Would he find me and inflict more violence?

My friend held my hands.  "For now Penne, you need to accept your parents offer to stay with them. Or, if you prefer, I can help you find a shelter where you will be safe."

He was right.  I had to get away.  And I had to tell my children the truth.

It was the best advice a loving friend could give.  Know that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.  According to the domestic violencePlease contact your local Domestic Violence Shelter or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline @ 1-800-799-SAFE.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Domestic Violence: How To Escape To Freedom

You are NOT ALONE!  There are over 1.3 million women abused in the United States every year.  I was in a domestic violence marriage for eighteen years.  BUT I ESCAPED TO FREEDOM and so can you!

We have come a long way in dealing with domestic abuse. But anyone trapped in such a relationship has the power to reach within to reach out and seek help.  It is there for the asking. Every state in the US has domestic violence shelters, places where you will be safe, and, if you have children, they too will be in a non-violent atmosphere. 

If you do not know the name or location of the shelters in your state, you can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline @ the toll free number:  1-800-799-SAFE!  Or you can email them:

Please feel free to fill in the information at the far right side of my website.  I AM MORE THAN WILLING TO GUIDE YOU.  I understand the fear, the hopelessness, the sorrow and devastation.

BE BRAVE!  You too can begin a new life and LIVE FREE!

May peace come your way very soon.